Monday 17 March 2014

My experience as the journalist!

Well...I am Cristina Gil and I have the Journalist this "week". It hasn´t been exactly a week, they have been two because a lot of exciting and unexpected things had happened to us in these two weeks. 

Anyway, I´m going to explain what we did the first week:

Monday, 3rd March: some of us met in the afternoon and we decided that we were going to do three different advertisements saying "NO" to books, well, text books. So we wrote the dialogue and the ideas each advertisement would have, always defending our own knowledge instead of text books. 

Tuesday, 4th March: our two stars of the week met to practice more or less what they were going to say according to the advertisements we thought of the day before. 

Wednesday, 5th March: we all met in the afternoon and we analized our advertisements properly. After this we start recording our adverts. It was great and very funny because people look at us as if we were weirdows or something strange... it was hilarius! I have to say that it has been the best work we have done so far, well, that´s my opinion anyway.

On Thursday, 6th March our teacher Linda finished the lesson earlier so we could finish some of the advertisements... we only had one left to do. We were very thankful for that.

On Monday, 10th March Mercedes came (@Longdones) to talk to us about text books. We thought she was just going to talk and talk all the time but no way! She was amazing! So so interesting! We weren´t expending her class to be that way... she put on a show and we really enjoyed it! She divided the class in three parts, each one of 40 minutes. In the last part of forty minutes she said to us that we had to find something outside the classroom that was related to text books and education. We also had to say a sentence to define what we wanted to transmit to the class... our phrase was: "Grow learning; Learn to grow". Afterwards we had to go back in the class and all of uf had to say the sentence we had thought of.

On Thursday, 13th March the presentations started... there was not enough time so only two groups we able to expose:

  • Common Tutankammon: they did and advert of the high cost of books and the need of having to get second hand books.
  • Brain Storming: they told us a story about the different functions of bees and they related them to text books in education. They also made us play a very entertaining game in which we had to relate the bees´functions with reality.
  • Hide and Seek: we made three advertisements showing that texts books makes our knowledge decrease. 
  • Give me 7: they made a really interesting infography about the disadvantages of text books.
  • Step by step: they wanted to explain that text books are ok, what is wrong is the way we use them.
  • Teachleaders: in their advert they say that books shouldn´t be compulsory because not everybody can afford them.
  • T8T: they want to show us how people manipulate us by text books.
  • Little Ants: they made two comics in which children realized that books aren´t as good as people think.
  • Educational Rush Hour: the message of their adverts is that we learn better without using text books.
We have really enjoyed your presentations, we hope you have enjoyed our one dear collegues!
I have loved this topic because it is so true... I didn´t know much about the way text books influence people... and I have to say it is absolutely disgusting... I think that when I become a teacher I won´t be using text books... I don´t think is worth it. I think I can teach better than text books! 


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