Wednesday, 30 April 2014

Star of the week *

Hey bloggers! I'm Cristina Fernández, the member of Hide and Seek who has the role of star this week. Yesterday, 29th of April we did a game with the questions that we creted to study the law. I felt really nervous all time because I was afraid of forgetting the content that I had studied for the competition. But, finally, we enjoyed and had a great time! We didn't win the game, but the teacher said us that Hide and Seek had won the competition of conceptual maps! Moreover, we are in the second position with the group Brain Storming in the competition of the best questions for the game. We wanna say to t8t congratulations for winning the game!

Monday, 14 April 2014

The Journalist by María Maestre I

Hi dear classmates:

Here I am again as journalist!!!

We divided the topics of the Changes in The Spanish Educational
System to make the questions.

In our group  share the topics number 1 till 6:

1. An Overview of the Educational System

2. The Primary School

• Aim and general objectives
• Schools providing Primary Education
• Education Policy

• Legislative references

3-Organisation of Primary Education

• Geographical accessibility
• Admission requirements and choice of school
• Age levels and grouping of pupils

• Organisation of the school year

4. Organisational Variations and Alternative Structures in Primary Education

• Rural schools
• Itinerancy and non-regular schooling
• Bilingual teaching

• Distance Education

 5. Administration and Governance at Local and/or Institutional Level I

2 Administration at educational institutions level
2.1 Non-university institutions
2.1.1 Pedagogical and curricular organisation
2.1.2 Organisational management
2.1.3 Management of resources

6-Administration and Governance at Local and/or Institutional Level II

3 Governance at educational institutions level
3.1 Non-university institutions
3.1.1 The Leadership Team
3.1.2 Collegial governing bodies
3.1.3 Teaching coordination bodies

3.1.4 Participation bodies

I had to do the questions of the topic number 6, and last week number 3.

All of us were toguether preparing the questions and the worst of this week it was that we had to read all the law and all the web pages!!, to know firstly the law and after how to do questions. 

That was a hard week for all the members and I suppose that for all the collegues too!!!.

Good luck Stars!!

Cristina Fernandez and me are the stars next "questions week".....but we are calm because, as Linda said, we have read the law!!!

See you at the "podium" after Easter Holidays, because all of us are WINNERS!!

This week there will be firm hand with me, Lol :)

Hello my bloggers! This week I am the boss!!!!! I am so excited for this role because I like so much to be the head of the group.
The team of this week is to prepared some question about the different topics of our past C. maps.
This week we are goitg to work in the next way:
- As stars: Carmen González and Maria José Gómez
- As journalist: María Maestre
- As Analyst: Cristina Fernández
- As translator: Cristina Gil 
-As C- Farmer: Rosa Campillo.
I hope the we work so hard.

Saturday, 12 April 2014

This week I have been the Translator!

Hello! I´m Cristina Gil and I´m quite happy because it is my first time as translator and it has been a good task because I have analized what we have learnt, the different words and concepts so I could complete this week´s task which is in my case translator.
There are five key words that we have used during this week while doing our work: 

  • Categorize: it is the task in which you have to put in different groups words that are related to each other or that are similar between them.

  •  Identify: it is knowing what we are talking about, understanding concepts and using them in the correct way.

  • Choose: it is important to choose the proper words we want to relate to a concept.

  • Comparison: it is important to compare the terms to know what we are talking about. Comparing helps us because thanks to it we can see the difference between one concept and another.

  • Order: it is important to keep an order by following the criteria.

I have found these five words very important because if we hadn´t known the meaning we wouldn´t have done a good job, so I have really liked my task this week because I think it is one of the main parts of doing a work, understanding the key words for getting good results in something.

Well... dear readers and dear students... I hope you enjoy your two-week-holiday!! We deserve it! See you soon :)

Cristina Gil Gargan.

Friday, 11 April 2014


Hello! Dear bloggers, I'm María José Gómez Gracia and this week I have the role of star with my colleague Carmen González. 

On Thursday we had organized into groups to review and grade other groups questions about one of the topics. 

The group ''T8T'' and our group'' Hide & Seek'' had been the responsible for the supervision of 36 questions about the topic 3 ''Organisation of Primary Education'' for "Changes in The Spanish Educational System Overview: The Game".

The questions are the following:


  • What are the main objectives of the Territorial Cooperation Programme?
  • How many hours does a primary kid recieve per week and how can the sessions be divided?
  • Which are the age levels and grouping pupils?
  • What kind of things do you have to keep in mind if there are insufficient places for the admission of students?


  • Why are educational centers losing their democratic management with the LOMCE?
  • In relation to interim staff, who is responsible for the management of their contracts? What is the criteria to contract/maintein interim staff and requisites for their section?
  • Regarding to the secondary education, private centers, who is responsible to promote the curricular specialization?
  • What are the sutdents' rights as defined at LOMCE?


  • There is a city that decided to have more holidays in their schools at Easter. They have 3 days more than others. Then, are there some free days left the centre can put during the year? How many are them?
  • Keely is a girl who lives in a rural area a few kilometers from London, in this area the most part of the neighborhood has inequalities derived from geographical, social and economic aspects. What education authorities must do according to the article Organizational variations and alternative structures in Primary Education?
  • Lucy has been living in England since this year. This year, she has moved to Spain and wants to enter in a Primary school Education. Which would be her weekly timetable?
  • Derek is a boy who lives in Orihuela, he is 6 years and his parents want him to start Primary Education in Santo Domingo, a private school near their house where his older brother is. Jane is a girl who has specific educational needs, she lives in Redovan and she is 6 years old. She also wants to enter at Santo Domingo's school this year. Santo Domingo has insufficient places this year so they have to choose one of them... Who will start this year at Santo Domingo? Jane or Derek?


  • How many holiday weeks do the school year have?
  • What are the aspects that we have to consider when planning the education provision in a specific geographical area?
  • If a public school doesn't offer enough places, what are the criteria to access it?
  • If you were a teacher and you noticed that some of your students have more difficulties to execute the tasks than other, would you make two different groups?

  • What are the studies that now make up the Basic Education?
  • What is the name of the subject that replaces "Civic Education"?
  • Which are the core subjects in Primary Education?
  • A student who repeated 4th grade of primary education hasn't achieved the goals at the end of 5th grade. Will he have to repear course? Why?


  • According to the Admission of students, based on the principles of equity and quality on LOE and LOMCE, who are the first group to get vacancy?
  • A child from Africa, who has difficulties, is adopted by a wealthy family. They have decided to inscribe him in a private school. Could this child access to a public school if his parents had requested it?
  • During what period of time must children acquire basic competences? What happened if they do not acquire them?
  • If a family live at the countryside, half an hour far from the school, are the LOE and LOMCE bring assistance?


  • Which are the main measures that the education authorities has to carry out if a student cannot access to the school due to his geographic area?
  • According to LOMCE, in the admission of processes in Primary Schools, when there are not enough places, have preference those students who come from Primary Schools that have attached. In addition to this, what students also have priority?
  • Which aspects have to be considered in the planning of the education provision in the two specific geographical areas?
  • Autonomous Communities must regulate pupils' admission to public schools. Should the also regulate it for other schools that are publicly-funded private schools? Why?


  • How has been distributed the organization of the school stage with the implementation of the LOMCE after LOE?
  • If we are working in a public school and there aren't enough places, what criteria you have to take into account to select students?
  • If you were in a rural area school, in what aspects would depend the number of pupils in your school?
  • The organization of the school year has a fixed number of school days? 


  • Taking into account the geographical accessibility, what should we pay important attention to?
  • Imagine that you want your son to be admitted in a school and the school head is taking into account if your son has siblings already registered in the school? Why do they do that?
  • How are class groups made?
  • Imagine that you are the principal of a school and you are the one who have the power to admit students. In which way would you do so?


This week I have been the Curator-Farmer of Hide&Seek, so here you are our Pearltree with the pages of all the topics that we have read for doing the questions about LOMCE

Questions and Answers in  (hideseek1314)

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Hey, it's the analyst, Cristina Fernández Castellano. Here you have the questions about the week's process:

a. What was the best part of the activity?
The best part of the activity was to create the questions thinking about the game. We also liked evaluating the cards at the classroom because it made us feel important as a group.

b. What was the worse?
The worst part of the activity was to look for the information to create the cards because there is a lot of conten in the law. It was also very hard to create questions with the conceptual maps because the information was too schematized.

c. What was the best moment of the week (in the work of the group)?
The best moment of the week was the help between us to know what questions were more appropriate and the help to create the cards with the same size and font. Moreover, as we had organized perfectly our work, we had our questions on Monday.

d. What was the worse?
The worst moment of the week was that although we had divided our work, we had to read a large amount of information.

e. What have you learnt?
We have learnt a lot of important things of Education’s law. Now we know more about what we could do with some situations and how to face the students. We’ll use it at our future classrooms!

f. What do you need to conserve -as a group- for the next weeks?
We have to conserve the way we divide our work, because with the effort of each of us, we get good results!

g. What do you need to improve –as a group- for the next weeks?
We have to put deadlines, because we have to revise the work of each of us and be ready to show our work to the class.

h. How this content is related to other contents in the course and in
your degree?
This content is the basis of our degree, because without the law and the rules of the big education world, it would never be possible. Education is the first step of a person, because without it, he/she’s nothing! One of the subjects which this content is related to is “students diversity”, because we have compared our content with the law.

i. There is any evident social connection of this content (news,
politics, etc.)?

Politics is a very important factor of education law, because there are many changes constantly in it. The news usually talk about both relating them. 

Star's Post

Hi bloggers! I'm Carmen and I've been one of the stars this time. 

This week we have worked on building four questions (and their answers) for each topic. Then, every group had to revise and grade the questions made by other groups about one of the topics. We split in two groups and supervised the work of Brainstorming and T8T

These are the 36 questions about the topic 6 "Administration and Governance at Local and/or Institutional Level II" for "Changes in The Spanish Educational System Overview: The Game", revised and graded by Brainstorming and Hide & Seek.

  • What happens in the case of absence of centre candidates?
  • Who is governing board made up of?
  • Who chairs the staff-meeting? Do all the teachers get involved on it?
  • Is it necessary to be Director to hold any kind of certification or credential? If yes, which one?

  • Be headmistress or a headmaster need to have specific and complementary studies at her or his degree? Or can any teacher be a headmaster?
  • Will the headmaster decide about the students' admission? How?
  • In a primary school, can the students be members of the school board?
  • Regarding the school autonomy, educational administrations have the freedom to create work plans outside of their curriculum. So, could these plans affect students in their titles obtention?

  • Talking about the Teaching Coordination Bodies, compare this body in Primary Education and Secondary Education.
  • With the new law LOMCE one of the collegial bodies has lost power to decide about important issues. Analyse which issues we are talking about and the implications of this.
  • You passed the public examination and it is your 7th year as a teacher in a Primary School in Lorca, you are also the coordinator of your cycle, in which bodies are you involved?
  • María is a teacher in 4th grade in a Primary School in Santomera, she is the teacher of Pedro. Pedro is a boy that has lot of problems with Maths when María proposes the activities that imply using multiplications he cannot do them. Can María make by her own adaptations of the curriculum for his student Pedro? If the answer is negative, who has to do it?

  • Can you explain briefly what a School Board is and some main functions of it?
  • Why Participation Bodies are created? Do you know which are the three channels created for students?
  • When Non-University Institutions began to be autonomous and what are their principal areas of autonomy?
  • According to the model decentralised State and the share of Education competences between Statement institutions and Educational institutions, think about the curriculum and explain these different set of levels of application.
  • If a student resides in a rural area and must move to another nearby town to go to school, who will pay the transportation costs, school meals and boarding?
  • I am a father of a child in a state school. Can I take form part of the Board of Education?
  • What happened with the approval of the LOMCE regarding the functions of the Board of Education?
  • A problematic child wants to enter a school, who is the person who takes the decision of saying no to this if it is necessary?

  • What is the main difference between individual and collegial bodies?
  • Can the parents participate in the teacher assembly? Where they can participate?
  • In a primary school, can a teacher choose the components of class representative?
  • What is the individual body public school division?

  • If there are some students with learning difficulties in your class, which body can give solutions and who is it formed by?
  • What is the roll of the school board modified by the LOMCE?
  • In relation to school administration and according to LOMCE, could you tell what the main pillars to promote "Quality Education" are? Name at least four of them.
  • Who prepares and approves the School Development Plan? Has it suffered any change with the LOMCE?

  • What are the main functions of the class representative?
  • Regarding the curriculum, is more autonomous public or a public-funded private school?
  • Is any parent part of the Leadership Team in schools?
  • What is the common teaching coordination body in pre-primary/primary education and secondary education?

  • If you are a class teacher in Primary School, what is your function?
  • If you are a parent and you want to participate in your child's school, how would you do?
  • The team of teachers in Secondary Education schools has some duties. What are those duties?
  • The collegial school bodies are two: the School Board and the Teachers Assembly. What is the difference between them?


Sunday, 6 April 2014

Friday, 4 April 2014

Analyst of the week: Carmen

Hi bloggers! This week I’ve been the analyst of the group for the first time. 

A) What was the best part of the activity?

The best part of the CMaps activity was to design the mind maps. Once we had compiled and compared the information from the different resources and structured them, we designed the mind map. We added to it colours and drawings, in order to catch the attention of the readers and make it visually clear. 

B) What was the worst?

The worst part was to compare the LOE to LOMCE, because there was a lot of information and at the beginning it was difficult to choose the correct ideas. Excepting that, it was quite easy to summarize and organize the information in the mind maps.

C) What was the best moment of the week (in the work of the group)?

The best moment was to share with the rest of classmates our mind maps and to grade them. This was really helpful and enriching, because we could compare our ideas and complete the mind maps with other groups. Besides, we were pleased to listen to the supervisors of Little Ants how much they liked our work and the great mark they gave us.

D) What was the worst?

The worst thing was to choose the correct information in order to compare the new educational law to the previous one. As we are not too familiar with the task of working on educational laws, it was a bit difficult for us to know if we were doing it correctly. 

E) What have you learnt?

We have learnt the differences and changes that the new educational law include, by comparing the LOE and the LOMCE. In particular, we have worked on the organization of Primary Education and the administration and governance at local and/or institutional levels (topics 3 and 6). 
Besides, we have learnt by comparing our work with the groups that focused on the same topics as us and checking our mistakes.

F) What do you need to conserve -as a group- for the next weeks?

We are a hard-working group that always try to do its best. The way we divide and organize the tasks every week is so effective, and the most of times we don’t have any problem with the time-management. So we have to conserve it and try to do it even better.

G) What do you need to improve -as a group- for the next weeks?

A member of the group should learn to separate her bad relationship with some members to the team work, and try to value and appreciate the work they perform every week despite having personal problems or conflicts with them. Excepting this, none of us have any conflict with any other member of the group and there aren’t arguments when we work together. Anyway, it was just an unusual conflict that we have already solved. I just wanted to comment it as the analyst this week.

H) How this content is related to other contents in the course and in your degree?

This is one of the topics which are more related to our degree. We have been studying and working on the educational laws in different subjects, such as "Planificación de la acción educativa" or "Diversidad del alumnado". As teachers, our work is based on what the educational law establishes, so we have to study and know it.

I) There is any evident social connection of this content (news, politics, etc.)?

The new educational law has had a great impact in the public opinion: the population and politicians are divided in those who accept and support it and those who are against it. There have been a great quantity of demonstrations and strikes in order to stop and complain about the changes that the new law includes.