Wednesday 2 April 2014

Star of LOMCE Mind Map

Hello audience!
This week, I have been the star of my group.
Last Monday, all the class examined the different minds map in Groups. Each group revised one topic.
In the case of my group, we revised the topic 3 about Organization of Primary Education with one part of the Little Ants group. We were considered if the map had a clear structure with connectors, if it was easy of understand…
We had C’mon Tutankamon, Little ants and Hide&Seek maps. We considered that all of them were good done.
As I didn’t explain my map, I am going to do a little summarize about it.

 Our Mind map is about Organization of Primary Education.
We can find 4 parts: Admission requirements and choice of school, age levels and grouping pupils, organization of school year and geographical accessibility.
In the part of Admission requirements and choice of school, we can find information about the way in that school carry out the admission of pupils. It is important that school have got the admission in equality and freedom terms. If there are insufficient places, they taking in account some features about the family of the child as if they are a large family, if the child has got his brothers in this school…
It treats to have a balanced in the admission of students. It keeps in mind the economic, demographic, personal and family conditions. It is compulsory the schooling in the same school during the compulsory education and it usually have some places to pupils with specific needs.
The process of students’ admission is the same for public and private school and they usually have committees that oversee the admission process.
 When we talk about "Age levels and grouping pupils” we are discussing how students are divided in groups and the different levels that there are according to the age. There are six courses that the students have to pass in primary education according to the LOMCE. Each course is based on the year of birth of the student. They usually start primary education when they're six and they finish with twelve years old. It's important to pay attention to student diversity, because there are a lot of pupils with problems and disabilities, so the teacher will have to reforce this type of complications. They will pass the course if they acquire the main competences: numeracy, culture, to know working in groups, learning expression and listening, reading and writing and creativity. If they don't, they'll repeat the course once.

The educational administrations are responsible for annually establishing the school year, where the minimum of school days is 175.

The Geograpical Accesibility is a working criterion solution research which make possible the equality of opportunities giving special importance to:

  • Territorial Depopulation
  • Geographical Dispersion
  • Insularity
  • Specific Rural/ Urban Areas necessities
Furthermore there are, in Rural Areas, two practical cases in Spain:

  • C.R.A= Colegio Rural Agrupado in Teruel
  • C.R.I.E= Centro Rural de Innovación Educativa in Cantabria
As well as in Urban Areas is important:

  • Birth Rate
  • Foreing pupils
  • Growth of population in Emerging Areas.

Here, I am going to put the mental map we made with all maps of the same topic (Topic 3)

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